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How a Phone Call Saved me $30 on my Cable Bill and other ways to cut your Cable Costs


I will admit, cable is one area that we do not scrimp on.  My husband loves movies, and with cable and DVR he is able to watch movies when he wants and saves us money on theatre tickets.  Also, we aren't but I know some big NASCAR fans that pay a bit extra for the Speed Network.  I also enjoy the On-Demand Exercise videos which keep me entertained and fit without the expense of the gym.

That being said, when I received my bill a couple months ago and it was $30 higher then the month before, you can bet I called the cable company.  At first I was given the standard answer, your contract for the special pricing promotion is up and there is nothing we can do.  We have to make money.  Unfortunately for me, there isn't a lot of cable competition in our area so I wasn't able to say well I'll just switch.  The only other option for cable is a satellite and I really don't want one of those.

So after getting the answer of there is nothing we can do, I told the customer service rep I guess even though I really don't want a satellite I guess I am going to have to switch because it's ridiculous to get less and pay more.  Not only had the price gone up, be we had also lost 2 movie channels.  Saying I was going to switch, must be code to them to get a manager because that is who I was directed to.

Once the manager came on, I told him my concerns and magically he was able to get me not only the package I had before, but also 3 additional movie channels for a little less then what I was paying before.  So win win for me and all because I made a phone call. 

I do address miss marked prices or overcharges regularly, such as the cable bill.  However,  I don't "fight,"  I simply state my case in a calm manner and usually the result is saving money.

So if you notice your cable bill is to High, but don't necessarily want to cut your services: Call Your Cable Company.  You might be pleasantly surprised.

Additional Ways to Cut Cable Costs (will require change in your service)

Cut your cable to just basic channels and use your computer for movies and other cable shows.  Be sure to check the following sights for free TV and movies:

Take it one step further and get rid of your cable all together.  Frugal, Freebies and Deals has a great article here on how they switched to an antenna and still get HDTV.  She states that it has saved her $42 a month, but depending on what you pay now it could save more.

What about you?  Do you have any great ways to save on your Cable Bill?  I would love to hear about them.

Borrowed from TCH!

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