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Don’t Exercise to Punish Yourself for Eating


Powerless thinking is the root cause of a sedentary lifestyle. Rewire your brain with more powerful thoughts to create the vibrant, healthy life you desire. Here are six examples:

Powerless Thought #1: I have to exercise to lose weight.
Punishing yourself for eating leads to yo-yo exercising—yet exercise is proven to help you feel better and live a longer, healthier life—even if you don’t lose a pound. Instead of exercising to earn the right to eat or pay penance for eating certain foods,  and all it does for you.
Powerful Thought: I exercise for fitness and health.

Powerless Thought #2: I know I should exercise but I hate it so I just can’t make myself do it.

Notice the negative words “should,” “hate,” “can’t,” and “make myself.” These stem from past experiences like being chosen last for teams, boring exercise routines, and discomfort from doing too much too fast. This time, find enjoyable physical activities that suit your personality and lifestyle. Start slowly and allow your body to adjust gradually. Choose to focus on all the great things exercise does for you and how wonderful you feel.
Powerful Thought: I enjoy becoming more physically active each day.

Powerless Thought #3: I don’t have time.
It only takes 1/48th of your whole day to exercise for 30 minutes—and most people waste more than that on less productive activities like watching TV. If you’re too busy to exercise, you’re too busy. Since physical activity is so beneficial, give it the priority it deserves.
Powerful Thought: I make time for my health and well-being.

we can do it image

Powerless Thought #4: I don’t have the energy.
This is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Exercise improves your strength, stamina, and sleep so you’re more productive and energetic. Since you’re likely to feel better within a few minutes of starting to move, commit to exercising for at least ten minutes. Most of the time, you’ll feel so good that you’ll want to continue.
Powerful Thought: I feel myself becoming healthier and more energetic.

Powerless Thought #5: I’m embarrassed to be seen exercising.
Most people are so focused on themselves they don’t notice you anyway. Those that do will likely admire you. Eventually you’ll feel less self-conscious but in the meantime, find activities and places that feel comfortable so you can focus on all the benefits.

Powerful Thought: I exercise for me.

Powerless Thought #6: Exercise is really hard for me.
Physical activity doesn’t have to be hard or hurt to be beneficial so lower the bar.  Ask yourself, “What is the least amount of exercise I can do—joyfully and consistently?” If you start there, little by little, you’ll feel stronger, leaner, more energetic, and healthier.
Powerful Thought: I am an active, healthy person.

Repeat these and other powerful thoughts often and soon they’ll become your new reality!

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